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If your store is anything like mine then hopefully this will be enough for the shifts to get the hint that you need a break from barring during your canada goose outlet authentic shifts.hope this helps!! I am sort of in the same position as you tbh. Every time I go into a shift and see all the new green beans working my SS have barely even greeted me or said hello before they say “OK SO YOURE GONNA canada goose outlet buffalo BE ON BAR TODAY!!”. Sometimes I seriously regret being good at bar. and by good I mean that I able to finish a line drinks earlier than the entire line has finished their transactions and paying. I usually 4 5 people ahead of the POS person and able to fetch them brewed coffee and make teas while also barring. Funny because I used to suck at bar and one day canada goose shop uk became a bar canada goose outlet orlando wizard but I feel your pain man, I feel good knowing that I am able to help out struggling partners and be a reliable barista for my SS but I am walked all over and they take advantage of it a lot. So recently, I canada goose outlet in uk have been asserting myself more and saying things like “Okk man I def need a switch from bar for a bit”. They don argue with me and let me switch solely because they would struggle so much without me.Also the green beans REALLY need to just be thrown into the thick of it to learn.Hope your situation gets better! You should update us. :)I going to make a lateral move and pick your brain for a second. I know what you mean by being canada goose outlet jackets ahead of POS while on bar. Often times I hear the customer ordering and start their drink. The problem is, if I ahead of POS I also ahead of the sticker printing. 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