Public demands consequences for 15
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A woman who said she witnessed the boy throw the smoke bomb into the Eagle Creek Canyon has described the group of friends giggling and taking a Fake Handbags cellphone video of the deed Saturday afternoon.
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Over the years, the state has sought payback from Designer Replica Bags hundreds of people who negligently started fires and has won million dollar judgments in Replica Designer Handbags some cases, said Jeff Bonebrake, cost recovery coordinator for the Oregon Department of Forestry.
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Replica Designer Handbags An eastern Oregon rancher who investigators Replica Bags Wholesale say drove across tinder KnockOff Handbags dry grass, sparking what high quality replica handbags grew to be a 2,700 acre wildfire in Grant County in 2014. John Lee Habberstad was ordered to pay more than $3.6 million for fire suppression costs. His insurance ended up settling the case for about $1 million. Two of wholesale replica designer handbags them went to the store while the other one, who was supposed to watching the fire, took a nap and the fire spread out of control, investigators say. Replica Designer Handbags
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And the husband wife daughter trio haven’t paid their $892,000, according to the state. State officials say they have no assets and haven’t been able to pay.
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That was the case for a Warm Springs woman who was in her early 20s in July 2013 when she purposely started a brush fire in central Oregon to give her “bored” firefighter Replica Bags friends something to do. The brush fire spread to more wholesale replica designer handbags than 51,000 acres. Bureau of Indian Affairs $7.9 million in installments of $50 per month for what almost certainly will be the rest of her life.
Q. Could the suspect in the 33,000 acre Eagle Creek fire be on the hook for making lifetime payments even though he’s just a minor?
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